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United Nations UK

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

United Nations UK Graduate Programs & Internships

  • Charity, Social Work & Volunteering

What it does: The United Nations is involved in the provision of relief for disasters, resolution of the conflict between nations, advocacy for human rights, counter-terrorism, non-proliferation, promotion of higher living standards, and social progress. This organization is also tasked with environmental protection, provision of aid and protection of refugees.

Mission: The United Nations' mission is to maintain international peace and security. The
organization takes collective measures towards preventing or eliminating threats to the world

Size and presence: The numerical size of the UN's workforce is not known, but the
the organization has an office at Whitehall Court in London.

Best known for: The UN is the most popular international organization in the world. This
organization is an umbrella agency for subsidiaries such as WHO, UNICEF, The World Food
The program, the International Court of Justice, and the World Bank. The UN is renowned for its humanitarian and developmental activities.

The good bits: Working for the UN provides excellent career prospects for employees because of numerous career programs. There is a sound welfare program. 

The not-so-good bits: The work involves frequent travelling and longer work hours than expected.

The United Nations Story

This intergovernmental organization was established in 1945 in the post-World War II era as a successor to the League of Nations. This organization had four leading nations as its founding members. These included the United States of America, the United Kingdom, China, and Russia. These countries were joined by 21 other countries as signatories of the UN Declaration. Over 50 countries and NGOs attended the first UN conference in San Francisco. In June 1945, the final draft of the United Nations Charter was signed by all the member nations as at then. In October 1945, the UN had already grown to have 51 member nations. 5 of which were permanent members of the Security Council. That same month, the UN charter became fully operational. The United Nations has six significant arms: the UN secretariat, the Trusteeship Council, the Security Council, the General Assembly, the International Council of Justice, and the Economic and Social Council. The United Nations, its workers and agencies/arms have been recipients of numerous Nobel Prizes for Peace. Currently, the UN has 193 member states and a couple of observer states.

Culture & vibe

The United Nations is a group of international civil servants expected to espouse specific exemplary values such as transparency, fairness, probity, impartiality, honesty, and integrity. The organization is like a big community that works together towards maintaining world peace and providing humanitarian aid to countries in need. The work environment is very healthy because one is surrounded by helpful co-workers, which is ideal for fresh graduates and interns. The company embraces diversity and inclusion, and a significant chunk of the workforce is females.

Recruitment process

After applications have been received and reviewed, the UN selects its employees through

  • An assessment (simulation exercise, written test, case study)
  • A competency-based interview (it could be via video conference, telephone or face-to-face)
  • The job offer to successful candidates.

Career prospects

Few outfits offer as many career programs as the UN. There's the Young Professionals Program targeted at highly talented fresh graduates to help them begin a career at the UN Secretariat. The Junior Professional Officer Program is targeted at young employees to help them gain practical experience in multilateral international cooperation. There are Volunteer programs and Internship programs. There are even temporary jobs for undergraduates who can gain work experience while still studying. Working with the UN exposes you to various cultures and offers you the chance to do impactful work and touch lives.


A fresher at the UN earns an average annual salary of £48,500.


  • Health insurance
  • Travel expenses
  • Rental subsidy
  • Assignment grant
  • Dependency allowances
  • Retirement benefits
  • Paid leave
  • Paid holidays.

Social Contributions

The UK partners with the UN in providing aid to low-income nations globally.


There were reports that the UN urged the UK to pause the transfer of asylum seekers to

Jobs & Opportunities

Locations With Jobs & Opportunities
  • London
Hiring candidates with qualifications in
Business & Management
Creative Arts
Engineering & Mathematics
Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences
IT & Computer Science
Law, Legal Studies & Justice
Medical & Health Sciences