Updating Results

Department of Defence

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Defence Graduate Program – Estate and Infrastructure Stream null

Canberra (regional rotations outside of Canberra is available)

Opportunity expired

Given COVID-19 we recognise that your focus, priorities and individual circumstances have changed over recent weeks.  Defence has decided to extend our applications for a fortnight and we hope this extension will give you the extra time you need to submit your application.

Opportunity details

Opportunity Type
Graduate Job or Program

Application dates

Minimum requirements

Minimum Prior Qualification
Graduation Results
65 - 74%
Accepting International Applications
Qualifications Accepted
Business Administration
Business Information Systems
Event Management
International Business
Office Studies
Project Management
Civil Engineering & Construction
Environmental Engineering
Justice & Law Enforcement
Legal Studies
Commercial Law
Constitutional Law
Criminal Law
Family Law
International Law
Tax Law
Property, Land & Real Estate
Sustainable Development
Urban Design & Town Planning
Interior Design
Landscape Architecture
Construction Management


dod benefits infographic

Estate & Infrastructure Group (E&IG) comprises two Divisions, which are responsible for the development and upkeep of one of the largest real estate portfolios in Australia.

Service Delivery Division

Service Delivery Division works in partnership with contracted, specialist providers to deliver essential services across the Defence estate, such as estate planning, facilities and training area maintenance, land management, hospitality, waste management and airfield services.

Infrastructure Division

Infrastructure Division manages the development and disposal of the Defence estate, including the review, development and construction of facilities and sites, often planning out to thirty years in advance. They are also responsible for developing environment and heritage policies across Defence, as well as property acquisitions, leasing, disposal and management of estate-related native title, offshore mining and petroleum exploration.

Capital Facilities and Infrastructure (CFI) Branch is responsible for the development, approval and delivery of major and medium works identified in the capital works program, including the carriage of Major, Works through the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works (PWC) process. CFI has around 150 projects underway, with approximately $16 billion of projects in the design and construction stage. As an architecture or engineering graduate, you will work in a client-side project management team, responsible for project planning, procurement, project management and contract administration. Although you will not undertake design work, you will use your technical knowledge (in particular your project management and contract administration skills) to work with Defence's industry partners to develop complex infrastructure projects in support of Defence capability. You will receive exposure to the Government and Parliamentary approvals processes, as well as the opportunity to work with Navy, Army and Air Force stakeholders.

Quick Details

Salary: $68,442 pa + 15.4% superannuation. Upon successful completion of the program, graduates will advance to APS 4: $76,215 pa + 15.4% superannuation.
Program: 12 months – 3 x 4 month rotations
Eligibility: Australian Citizens only
Location: Canberra (regional rotations outside of Canberra are available)

Graduate Success Stories

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